Kevin B. Levi

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Architecture Drives UC Costs - Right Architecture Saves You 30%

Posted by Kevin B. Levi on Mar 19, 2015 10:24:00 AM

Traditional unified communications (UC) architecture, including proprietary hardware and closed software designs, kills innovation.  Architecture defines how the elements of a UC solution come together, how well the solution can integrate with other systems, how quickly new functionality can be integrated, and how much the overall system will cost to buy and maintain. With the right architecture in place, organizations can accelerate new functionality and capabilities. Without it, the user experience is hampered, the cost of ownership increases, and innovation is compromised.

The best approach to UC is open standards based and open API driven. For example, built on the eZuce Origin™ Platform, eZuce runs traditional UC applications (like openUC, SeeVogh Video and Web collaboration and Reach Contact Center software), integrated 3rd party UC Services and integration for other Business Applications within the customer workflow.  API integration can also apply when “capping” the growth of an existing (costly) UC solution and growing rather through the eZuce platform.  In this case the API serve to create seamless dialing, message waiting across platforms and general connectivity so users are not disrupted but yet decision makers help stop the bleeding of funds that the traditional telephony can create.  eZuce partners with OrecX to integrate call recording software into critical services like the eZuce openUC Reach Contract center through mutual API development.  

This open approach provides 30% savings or more over traditional UC platforms, in some cases saving as much as 80% versus proprietary platforms.

To learn more about the eZuce Architecture and how we save 30% versus the competition visit our website or follow the link here to our Webinar Series and see what others say about our solution.  http://www.ezuce.com/resources/webinars

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Topics: call recording software, ezuce, uc, unified communications

Call Recording for Sales Intelligence

Posted by Kevin B. Levi on Feb 19, 2015 7:13:00 AM

Organizations invest considerable resources into attracting and training a top-notch sales and marketing team. But is your team equipped with all the information they need to perform their jobs easily, quickly and, perhaps most important, successfully?

There are numerous ways that organizations can gather sales intelligence – from hiring posh consulting firms to conducting demographic studies, to purchasing massive enterprise systems to crunch reams and reams of data. Most large-scale sales intelligence solutions are designed for companies in the manufacturing, distribution and wholesale sectors, all highly competitive markets where volumes are high and margins are low. These solutions provide unique insight into customer buying patterns, helping organizations to identify and deliver up-sell, cross-sell and switch-sell opportunities. Lady face resized 600

For most organizations, access to this critical information is more attainable than ever, through call recording software. This sales intelligence solution can enable organizations to answer questions such as:

What special offers are my competitors making? Call recording software grants you access into the workings of your competitors. For example, sometimes when a customer or prospect calls into a call center, they’re unsure about whether or not they want to make a purchase and may reveal information about your competition, as in “Well, I get a free 30-day trial when I sign up with XYZ Corporation.” This competitive intelligence can provide your sales and marketing organization with insight to help re-align campaigns or promotions.  

Where do my customers live? A call recording system can help you gather key geographical information that can be vitally important to your sales force. Knowing which parts of the country or the world are most receptive to your products or services will help you better identify specific customer segments, leading to more successful lead generation and closed sales. You can also gain insight into which regions of your customer base have the most individuals who agree to a subscription upgrade or a cross-sell, which can help your sales staff spend their time on the most promising targets.

Are my claims misleading? From recorded calls, you can learn if your call center receives numerous cancellation calls for a specific product. The meaning? Perhaps your sales/marketing messaging around the product is misleading and must be revised. You can use this information to re-train your sales force or revamp your advertising campaign.


Download one of our  5 Insightful ebooks!

Topics: call center recording, call recording

Boost Your Business Intelligence with Call Recording

Posted by Kevin B. Levi on Feb 12, 2015 9:58:00 AM

Business Intelligence: It’s a commonly used term to describe what really amounts to something quite simple – gaining information to aid an organization in decision making, strategic planning, and the identification of new business opportunities. To gather this information, many organizations rely on sophisticated systems and engage in costly activities such as data mining, online analytical processing, querying and enterprise reporting. Want to know another effective way to gather information for business intelligence? Through call recording.

Call recording software can provide organizations with the information they need to make intelligent business decisions, particularly those involving customers and product development. This software can help organizations gather data to help answer questions such as:

Why do customers defect? Did you know that it’s six times more costly to acquire a new customer than it is to retain an existing one? That’s why keeping the customers you have is a priority for every organization. When you record customer calls, and listen to the calls of customers who are dissatisfied, you gain valuable insight into the reasons why customers choose to no longer buy your products or services. Gathering all these responses together, you can develop a matrix of “canned responses” to customer defection assertions, helping to mitigate customer departures in the future.

Do my agents really understand my customers? Call recording provides protection in the event that a customer challenges whether or not they purchased a product or gave authorization to transact an order. This information is helpful in customer disputes, to be sure, but it’s also useful in training agents both to close more deals and to ensure they correctly understand a customer’s intent to purchase or not.

Which products or services garner the most (positive or negative) attention? Call recording software enables organizations to segment calls by product or service, helping to identify and troubleshoot recurring problems. This information can then be passed along to product development teams so they can address any deficiencies or perhaps even create new products to address these concerns. From call recording information, supervisors can also analyze successful upsell calls and determine the product or service lines they represented. This data will reveal which products are working and which are not.


     Download "Critical Business Intelligence from Call Recording" ebook

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