Mobile phone recording software is designed to help businesses (particularly financial, insurance, doctors, real estate professionals, lawyers, etc.) capture their employees' work-related telephone calls in order to monitor for customer service, compliance, dispute resolution, order verification and so on. With recent FSA mobile phone recording regulations in the UK, more and more businesses in the U.S. are considering mobile recording software for all company-issued cell phones.
How many times have you taken a business call while out to lunch? If your salespersons or customer service people or even your stock brokers are taking such calls, wouldn't it be nice to have access to those call recordings if a dispute were to arise, for example? This is just one example of the tremendous value mobile phone recording software can provide to your business.
Below is a list of criteria to consider when deciding which mobile recording software to purchase:
What am I going to use this software for?
- Assess the performance of my customer service staff?
- Monitor the compliance and customer service of my sales and support people?
- Ensure medical staff or financial personnel are not accidentally sharing personally identifiable information over the phone, e.g.?
- Capture and store calls for dispute resolution purposes? If a customer claims he/she never authorized a credit card charge, you can pull the call and play it back for them to show they did in fact provide the necessary verbal approval.

Who do I want to monitor?
- Salespeople?
- Customer service/facing employees?
- Medical staff?
- Insurance agents?
- Financial/mortgage brokers?
- Real estate agents?
- Accounting staff?
- At-home workers? (many mobile workers will use their work cell phone as their primary business line while working remotely - even at home)
How easy is it going to be to implement the mobile recording software solution and get up and running with capturing mobile phone calls?
- Can the software capture both inbound and outbound calls? It better be able to.
- Are mobile call recordings treated the same as landline/VoIP calls? They should be.
- Does the system need to route calls off of the mobile network? It shouldn't have to.
- Can the recording software handle landline, mobile and VoIP calls all in the same system? It should be able to.
- It should not take more than a few hours at most. There is no reason to wait days or weeks ever.
- The software should require very, very little familiarization. It should be extremely user friendly so anyone can find and play the calls they need.
- It also should easily and seamlessly integrate into your existing network and telephony environment.