Throughout the course of a given day, call centers agents make use of a seemingly endless number of solutions, tools and applications in an effort to better address the needs of the customers they work with. Generally speaking, a trend has emerged over the last few years that has seen the functionalities of these applications combined into single, seamless platforms.
Yet there still exists (and there will likely always exist) a sizable user base that is searching for alternatives to traditional call center software, specifically independent applications to empower their efforts. They’re looking for solutions that support the way they like to work, rather than being forced to change the way they work to make up for certain absences in the technology they have in front of them.
For those people in particular, open source applications have emerged as one of the single best ways to enable businesses and their IT departments to not only customize and modify their tools and functions, but to transform and integrate them into the systems they’re already using to bring everything together.
NOTE: OrecX appears toward the end of the article in the section titled "The Best Open Source Call Recording".